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Vikram Garg, Halekulani Executive Chefがおすすめするのアヒ・ポキのレシピをみっけた。
Randall Kolomona Kaaloa’s ahi poke:
1 lb. fresh ahi, cut into cubes
1/2 oz. ogo, chopped
4 oz. Maui onion, julienned
1 oz. green onion, chopped
1/2 tsp. fresh ginger, chopped fine
1-2 pc. Hawaiian chili peppers, chopped fine
1/4 tsp. toasted sesame seeds
1 Tbsp shoyu (soy sauce)
To taste Hawaiian sea saltPreparation:
Place all of the ingredients in a bowl, combine thoroughly, and serve with taro chips.
”Hawaiian chili peppers”ってナンだ?